We have an amazing rider at the barn who was a member of the RCMP's Musical Ride for a number of years. She now trains the riders and horses in the ride and helps run the RCMP stables. Pretty cool job - eh? Since October she has been teaching us at the barn how to perform the ride. So today was our day to shine and show off all our efforts. We wore matching colours - yellow, purple, red and green and another girl from the barn made us all helmet covers to match. It was so fun and we had a blast. We had our freinds and family come out to watch then we had a big potluck supper after...complete with horse shaped cookies. Mmmmm.

Christine during her time in the Musical ride.

Thanks Christine for the wonderful day!!
That sounds like great fun. You're lucky to have someone with such talent who is willing to share her time no less in your barn.
Hi. I found you through Equine Mine. Until now, I didn't know there were other people who like both horses and quilting. My blog about horses is http://nuzzlingmuzzles.blogspot.com/ and my blog about quilting is http://frazzlefrenzy.blogspot.com/. I added your link to my blog roll, so I'll be checking back soon.
WOW!!! That must be great fun!!! I love group horse performances!!! Lucky of you having an experienced trainer like that! Gorgeous scenery as always! :)
I don't have a blog, BUT if I did, I'd write about everything that do already... which would take away from this blog (which is my favorite). I don't really ride horses, but I do like the way they nay.
matching uniforms and riding horseees! fun fun. tell Secret that i've got some oats for him the next time he comes over for tea, last time was a bit of a disaster because i was out.
well, time to gallop back to work
Oh your blog is lovely. Thanks by coming by 20 meter circle. And the fact that you have a Doxie...That much better. I am going to put you in my faves column. The pics are wonderful. The snow looks divine. I would love to ride in snow someday, just for one day and then come back to the warmer climate.
that looks fun.
found you from your visit to my blog (statcounter!) .. duly linked!
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