I may not have been attacked by savage cougars but I did have a run in with a bunch of barn cats! I snapped this pic on the way into the barn - to be perfectly honest I was a little intimidated. I don't know when it happened but our sweet little farm kittens grew up. I escaped unscathed from the swarming but later found cat pee on my horse brushes!
Oh those cats! Always peeing on horse brushes! Tsk tsk tsk
You know, I'm a bit more of a dog person. Just throwing that out there. It's not that I don't like cats, I just prefer dogs.
I'm going to go home tomorrow to my folks place and I'm pretty thrilled about seeing the dog. I'll pet my cat, but I'll probably roll on the floor and play fetch with the dog.
Cat's shouldn't be peeing on horse brushes. I agree with Ben. Task tsk tsk
holy cow! I'm with daniel. I like dogs and besides that I'm terribly allergic to cats. glad it wasn't a cougar.
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